Senior-centred GUIs

Product design & branding for Kind Regards digital scratchies incentive service. Empowering businesses to promote customer interaction for any desired task with personalised branding.




UX / UI Design, front-end development in React, Animations, Branding


We conducted A/B testing with over 10,000 candidates by incentivising users to update their personal information with the reward of a Kind Regards scratchie. Roughly 20% of users followed through with updating their information using the old version of Kind Regards, compared to over 80% with the new version. This was attributed to better branding, visual language, communication and incentive.

I was tasked with creating a brand identity blueprint for Kind Regards that would act as the guidelines for styling the user interface and experience of the SAAS. Alongside illustrations, logo design and animation — I also implemented the front-end UI components in React.
Overview diagram for the client to understand our development approach.

Overview diagram for the client to understand our development strategy.

Simplification of the API process.

A simplification of the API process for our client.

"HCI Thesis: Senior-centred Usability Guidelines for Hands-free Speech Devices.

HCI Thesis: Senior-centred Usability Guidelines for Hands-free Speech Devices.
Email design for the Kind Regards scratchies.
One of the most fun parts of the project was coding the interactive scratchie. Unfortunately there isn't a live preview site to see this — I just remember the winner screen being fun to animate!
Campaign dashboard for users to view active scratchie campaigns and their statistics.

Campaign dashboard for users to view active scratchie campaigns and their statistics.

Activity screen to view each individual scratchie event for a campaign.

Activity screen to view each individual scratchie event for a campaign.