Senior-centred GUIs
Product design & branding for Kind Regards digital scratchies incentive service. Empowering businesses to promote customer interaction for any desired task with personalised branding.
UX / UI Design, front-end development in React, Animations, Branding
We conducted A/B testing with over 10,000 candidates by incentivising users to update their personal information with the reward of a Kind Regards scratchie. Roughly 20% of users followed through with updating their information using the old version of Kind Regards, compared to over 80% with the new version. This was attributed to better branding, visual language, communication and incentive.

Overview diagram for the client to understand our development strategy.

A simplification of the API process for our client.

"HCI Thesis: Senior-centred Usability Guidelines for Hands-free Speech Devices.

Campaign dashboard for users to view active scratchie campaigns and their statistics.

Activity screen to view each individual scratchie event for a campaign.